Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday Linky - December Holidays

It's Linky Time!!!

Just the word "December" makes me cold.  It means, winter is here, and living up North, it means it's here to stay for a while.  And while it's cold, I'm dreaming of this all the time!

So since I can't be somewhere warm, wearing my flip flops, the next best thing to do is share with you a great winter/holiday themed product that I loved using last year.


My students LOVED this last year!  The Holiday Poetry Pack includes 6 Christmas related poems along with a set of task cards.  Perfect for a literature/reading center during these crazy, busy days. I used them for my reading small groups.  It was great for a quick mini lesson and then letting my students loose with the task cards.  I think the poem below was their favorite (they loved the onomatopoeia!)...


So, if you're looking for something fun to do right before Christmas, but still keeping those academics the focus, check it out below, along with these other amazing products from my Lessondeli friends!



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