Sunday, November 15, 2015

It's November, and we are all thinking about things related to fall... pumpkins, leaves, cooler weather, and Thanksgiving.  And I've learned a few things about being thankful, specifically how thankfulness affects me in the classroom.

I have found that teachers can be the best complainers.  We have too much to do, too many mandates, too many students (or parents) causing extra problems... And we use the excuse of "I need to talk to someone about this."  Before we know it, we're one of the best complainers in the school.  That's not how I want to be, and that's not how I want to affect those around me.

The best way to cure a complaining spirit is by being thankful.  Even when things look hopeless, stressful, and irritating, finding something to be thankful for changes my mood.  This time of year seems to always be stressful, as the holidays are coming, and, as teachers, we are trying to cover material, keep up with grading, and keep our students calm in the middle of all sorts of holiday excitement.  Not easy.

So, here's my list of things to keep reminding myself to be thankful for.  I'm going to post them in my classroom - by my desk, on my lectern, in my plan book and grade book - anywhere that I may need the reminder to be thankful.  

I'm thankful for...

1. Jesus.  
"By His wounds I [have been] healed." Isaiah 53:5  If nothing else went well in my life, I know that I am still blessed to have my sins forgiven and a hope that is sure and secured through the work of Christ on the cross.  

2. Family

My husband, son, parents, siblings, grandparents, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles... blessings given from God that I tend to take for granted at times.  Each moment together is a gift from God.

3. Church family
As an extension of number 2, these dear people are my extended family.  Time together, encouraging each other to focus on Christ and live in a way that pleases our Savior, becomes the highlight of my week.  

4. My job
Yes, I am truly thankful for my job.  Without my job, bills wouldn't be paid, and we would have tons more problems than what I have now.  Teaching is demanding, no matter what kind of school I'm in.  I've been in public schools, charter schools, and private.  and each has its own pressure.  But the pressure will always be there, because teachers interact with people.  But it's in these interactions that we can find joy - joy in seeing our students understand new concepts, joy in partnering with parents to help their children learn and grow, and joy in collaborating with others to be the best that we can be.  I have to find joy and thankfulness in teaching to combat the tendency to dwell on the frustrations of the job.  

5. Friends
God has given us friends to help us understand and enjoy life.  And they sharpen us to be better than who we are.  I am thankful for my friends who live close by that I see all the time, and for those who live far away that I wish I could spend more time with.  

6. Time
Even though I complain that I don't have enough of it, I'm thankful for the time that I do have.  I'm constantly challenged to use my time wisely, because each moment is precious.  

7. "My Favorite Things"
These little things (chocolate, Dr. Pepper, Flair pens, etc.) are things that make me smiles.  They remind me that, even in the middle of whatever I'm going through, there are things that can still make me smile.  

8. Pets
I love my dogs.  One is gone, and I cherish each memory of Jaggers.  Shamu, our beagle, keeps me laughing.  She is "slightly" overweight, curious, snuggly, and pretty much lazy.  But she brings much joy to my family.

9. Books
I love books.  Especially ones that I can read just because I want to read them. To get lost in a good book is a good thing.  

10. A new day
I'm thankful that God gives us new days.  When I wake up in the morning, it's fresh.  All the frustrations and mistakes from yesterday are gone.  I have a clean slate.  I can choose to dwell on those things from yesterday, but they will rob me of the joy that is in store for me today. 

So, what are you thankful for?  

Martha from "The Owl Spot"

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